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Sustainable development and climate change strategy

Sustainable Development and Climate Change Strategy - Our future is now

5 year improvement actions

Priority 1: Contribute to improving health and wellbeing through environmental protection and access to environmental benefits for all

  • Air quality projects to be identified, funded, and implemented
  • Identify and manage contaminated land within the statutory regulatory framework
  • Incorporate the risk of heat and overheating in the corporate risk register
  • Promote healthy and sustainable food including Fairtrade products to council employees and South Lanarkshire residents

Priority 2: Progress climate justice and ensure the transition to net zero by 2045 does not exacerbate poverty or inequalities

  • Assess the impact of climate change on South Lanarkshire communities
  • Support the households within the South Lanarkshire Council area that are in, or are susceptible to being in, fuel poverty
  • Investigate options to replace fossil fuel heating systems within our domestic properties
  • Identify and support the development of initiatives to tackle food poverty and food security
  • Promote the weather-related warnings and advice provided by the Met Office and SEPA to support individual and community preparedness
  • Localise the UN's global Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) and integrate them with South Lanarkshire's Community Plan

Priority 3:  Influence change by improving the understanding of Sustainable Development and the Climate Emergency across South Lanarkshire

  • Mainstream sustainability and climate literacy learning and development across the council
  • Support the delivery of communicating the council's sustainable development and climate change approach
  • Further embed sustainable development and climate change into the council’s decision-making process
  • Deliver town centre visioning at a local level
  • Support towns to transition to net zero
  • South Lanarkshire school pupils to influence climate change behaviours across schools and local communities
  • Improve the carbon footprint of all school communities
  • Embed sustainability in the curriculum across all Education establishments

Priority 4:  Improve affordable, sustainable, and accessible transport options

  • Extend South Lanarkshire’s cycle network and associated facilities
  • Expand the provision of publicly available Electric Vehicle Charging infrastructure in South Lanarkshire
  • Complete a variety of projects to enhance the attractiveness of public transport
  • Progress towards decarbonising the fleet of South Lanarkshire Council vehicles
  • Ensure climate change, access to services and active travel forms part of the design of new residential developments
  • Utilise ultra-low carbon vehicles or public transport for Education related travel
  • Consider sustainable travel within the council’s employee travel plan
  • Continue to achieve Cycle Friendly Employer status

Priority 5:  Progress a transition to net-zero, energy efficient, and climate resilience homes, buildings, and infrastructure, and minimise the unsustainable use of natural resources and regenerate where appropriate

  • Reduce South Lanarkshire Council's carbon footprint
  • Reduce South Lanarkshire Council's carbon footprint for indirect emissions not currently measured
  • Explore funding and finance models for net-zero and climate adaptation projects 
  • Ensure environmental sustainability considerations are considered within the capital plan
  • Ensure environmental sustainability considerations are taken into account within budget strategies
  • Develop a place-based approach to climate action across South Lanarkshire
  • Reduce flood risk across South Lanarkshire
  • Improve the resilience of the road network through routine maintenance
  • Develop online services for citizens reducing the need for travel
  • Utilise innovative and new information technologies for environmental benefits
  • Implement new energy standards within revised building regulations in all new buildings and major renovations
  • Assess council housing stock in order to meet the Energy Efficiency Standard for Social Housing (EESSH2) by 2032
  • Promote and provide assistance to improve energy efficiency, reduce fuel poverty and assist in the decarbonisation of homes
  • Develop a Local Heat and Energy Efficiency Strategy (LHEES) and delivery plan for South Lanarkshire
  • Support Registered Social Landlord partners to improve the energy efficiency of their housing stock and meet EESSH2
  • Review new build home specifications to meet the national low or zero emissions heat requirements
  • Review specifications and standards for new build non-domestic buildings for maximum energy efficiency
  • Assess the council's non-domestic buildings and develop a detailed action plan to meet the national target of being heated by zero carbon heat sources by 2038.
  • Support the delivery of Climate Ready Clyde's (CRC) Adaptation Strategy
  • Benchmark the council against Adaptation Scotland’s Adaptation Capability Framework
  • Work collaboratively with Clyde Gateway Urban Regeneration Company (URC) on district heating
  • The new HR Finance and Procurement (Fusion) system supports sustainable ways of working

Priority 6:  Improve the availability and access to quality local outdoor spaces and services

  • Prepare replacement South Lanarkshire Local Development Plan 3
  • Preparation of an Open Space Strategy for South Lanarkshire
  • Promote the use of local and seasonal food and drink produce to residents and visitors

Priority 7:  Empower communities to take climate action and be more environmentally sustainable

  • Continue to administer and monitor the Climate Emergency Community grant fund
  • Develop and deliver a Public Engagement plan
  • Increase the provision of high-quality food growing opportunities on council land, promote and support other forms of food growing where possible
  • Support the remediation of vacant and derelict land that promotes social and environmental benefits
  • Include environmental considerations within the delivery of the council's Community Wealth Building Strategy

Priority 8:  Take action to allow South Lanarkshire to become a zero-waste society

  • Consider alternative refuse collection patterns and waste capacities
  • Review of recycling bins at flatted properties in South Lanarkshire
  • Ensure environmentally sustainable training options are delivered by external training providers
  • Reduce printing and photocopying across the council, and reduce the use of materials and resources for printing and design purposes
  • Reduce the instances of avoidable food waste and the benefit of composting food waste with residents, schools, and council employees

Priority 9:  Enhance, protect, and respect the outdoors and the natural and historic environment

  • Implement the actions within the Litter Strategy to reduce litter and fly-tipping
  • Work with external partners to ensure South Lanarkshire’s historic environment is protected and enhanced

Priority 10:  Conserve, restore and improve biodiversity, and use nature-based solutions in tackling the climate crisis

  • Review council use of herbicide with a view to reducing the amount used
  • Measure tree canopy and increase tree planting across South Lanarkshire
  • Increase Biodiversity and invest in peatlands across South Lanarkshire
  • Implement new technologies and more sustainable cleaning materials within council facilities

Priority 11: Enable a fair transition to a green economy leaving no one behind

  • Deliver the UK Shared Prosperity Fund to help ensure a just transition to net zero
  • Increase the number of young people obtaining the skills to access green and circular economy employment
  • Engage with employers to provide workforce up-skilling and re-skilling for a green and circular economy
  • Consider climate change impacts within the council’s workforce planning

Priority 12:  Lead the transition to a circular economy and improve resource efficiency through responsible consumption and production, and buying and selling of local goods and services

  • Review the scope and scoring of sustainability requirements in procurement contracts
  • Progress the Procurement Flexible Framework Sustainability action plan
  • Provide procurement support to council services within contract specification development
  • Assess the capacity of the local food and drink sector to supply food and drink to the council
  • Introduce the Return Deposit Scheme in line with national guidance
  • Reduction of single-use plastic items within Facility Services

Priority 13:  Support South Lanarkshire’s businesses in the transition to a net-zero economy and help to ensure they are climate resilient

  • Promote the support that is available to businesses for good sustainability outcomes
  • Encourage and influence sustainable property improvements on business premises