Sustainable development and climate change strategy

Sustainable development and climate change action is governed through the council's Climate Change and Sustainability Committee which has decision making powers to help to accelerate the pace and scale of action needed in response to the climate emergency and meet challenging climate change national targets.
The committee is supported by the Climate Change and Sustainability Steering Group which is made up of senior managers from all council resources and has responsibility for overseeing the implementation of the Sustainable Development and Climate Change Strategy; compliance with the Public Sector Climate Change Duties; embedding sustainable development within council policy; and the scrutiny of performance monitoring reports.
Progress on the council's Sustainable Development and Climate Change Strategy and complying with the Public Sector Climate Change Duties are reported to the Climate Change and Sustainability Committee bi-annually.
A Strategic Environmental Assessment Corporate Working Group is a cross-resource group that works together to ensure that all plans, polices and strategies undergo the Strategic Environmental Assessment process which includes climatic factors. The Strategic Environmental Assessment Corporate Working Group reports to the Climate Change and Sustainability Steering Group and the Climate Change and Sustainability Committee.
Specific project review groups work on projects that will drive forward climate change mitigation and adaptation and deliver the outcomes from the sustainable development and climate change strategy. The groups report to and are guided by the Climate Change and Sustainability Steering Group