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Developing your workforce

Developing your workforce to meet the needs of an expanding or diversifying market is critical to the future of your business. 

Business Mentoring Scotland is a free and valuable resource for business owners. It matches you with experienced mentors who come from all business areas and sectors. By sharing their entrepreneurial experiences, this service will hopefully inspire confidence to develop and grow, and can unlock a great network of contacts that can open doors and encourage fresh thinking. Ideal for ambitious businesses and social enterprises who want to realise their personal and business growth ambitions, giving them the ability to take their company to new heights.

Developing Young Workforce connects your business to schools and young people to help you identify and develop your workforce of tomorrow.

Skills Development Scotland helps employers of all sizes and sectors to find and access national and local support for their businesses. They offer free advice through their employer engagement network including the bespoke Skills for Growth service tailored to your business; advice on work-based learning and apprenticeships and support to help businesses engage with local schools.

Interface can connect you to experts within Scotland’s universities to help your business create and develop new products, services, and processes to improve your business performance. A £5,000 funding voucher is available to support the academic time and costs.

University and college talent

South Lanarkshire further and higher education establishments can help you access student placements and recruit bright new talent:

Healthy Working Lives

Healthy Working Lives (HWL) is a free, confidential NHS service in Scotland that helps improve the health and safety of the workplace. HWL offers a variety of services, including: 

  • Advice and support to help businesses improve their working practices and conditions and meet their legal obligations. 
  • Training: Face to face, online and certified training on topics such as health and safety management, mental health, and legal requirements
  • Tools to help organizations train their staff, such as a training portal and staff well-being survey tools. 
  • Health and Safety Site visits
  • Award programs
  • Adviceline and webchat

HWL also offers services to support employees with health problems, such as helping them remain in work or return to work.