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Housing Benefit

What can I do if I think my Housing Benefit award is wrong?

If you do not agree with our decision on your Housing Benefit claim, you can use our online form to:

  • ask for an explanation.
  • ask us to look at the decision again; or
  • appeal against our decision.

Asking for an explanation

  • If you ask us for an explanation, we will provide this within fourteen days. If you also applied for Council Tax Reduction, we will include this in our explanation.

Asking us to look at our decision again

  • If you would like us to look at our decision again, we will consider whether or not we can change the decision. If you also applied for Council Tax Reduction, we will look at this decision as well.

Appealing against our decision

  • If we do not change our decision and you have not already appealed, you can do so within one month of the date on the letter giving our decision. If you also applied for Council Tax Reduction, please go to our council tax review page.

If you are appealing against a Housing Benefit decision, your case will be passed to the HM Courts and Tribunals Service.

The above organisation is independent to the council and will make an impartial decision on your case.

Related content

  1. Housing Benefit
  2. Payment of Housing Benefit
  3. What can I do if I think my Housing Benefit award is wrong?