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Crisis and community care grants

Request a review

First tier review

If you disagree with our decision on your crisis or community care grant application, you can ask us to review this. To request a review, please use our online form. On submission of your review online you can chose to receive confirmation to your nominated email address confirming receipt by filling in the appropriate part on the form. If you are unable to use the online facility you should submit your review in writing.

Your request should be sent within 20 working days from the date on your decision letter.

Your initial review request should include:

  • the date and reference number from your award letter
  • detail the items that you wish us to review
  • the reasons why you do not think the right decision has been made
  • information which you think might make a difference to our decision
  • information on any changes to your circumstances since you made your application which might make a difference to our decision

This initial review will be carried out by a different decision maker from the Scottish Welfare Fund Team and we will aim to let you know the results of your review within two working days for crisis grants and 15 working days for community care grants.

Independent second tier review

If you still disagree with our decision after this initial review, you have the right to ask the Scottish Public Services Ombudsman (SPSO) for an independent review, but must do so within one month of receiving our decision. The SPSO is not part of the council.

You can ask the SPSO for a review by calling them, writing to them or completing their Scottish Welfare Fund Independent Review online form.

Related content

  1. Crisis and community care grants
  2. Request a review

Scottish Welfare Fund


PO Box 3591
G73 9ED

Phone: 0800 952 0448