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School lunches

Fusion mobile app for secondary school pupils

Grab and go secondary school lunches

The Fusion mobile app lets pupils order and pay for food in advance using their mobile phones - no more queuing and looking for change.

The app is linked to the pupil's ParentPay account so there's no need to look for money each morning. This means that schools can offer a truly contactless service and can control traffic flow with designated pre-order pick up points.

Pupils can: 

  • check their balance
  • order food in advance from the Grab & Go menu
  • choose when they are ordering for
  • choose a collection point
  • view their order

If your child gets free school meals a daily credit of £2.20 will be added to their account each school day. 

Pre-ordered school meals let kitchen staff know exactly what meals need to be prepared. This will mean pupils get the meal they want and food waste will be reduced.

Getting started

For pupils starting in August a new activation letter will be sent to you and to your child’s glow email account with the unique on boarding code. All your child needs to do is download the fusion mobile app to their phone, register for an account and pop in their own on boarding code. Their parentpay account just needs to be credited and they are ready to place an order.

For any existing pupils who don't have the code, or have lost it, please contact the school office or speak to the Cook in Charge who can check the system for your unique code.

You can download the Fusion app on the Apple App Store, get it on Google Play or by searching 'Fusion Online' on your app store.

After you have downloaded the app, you will need to create your account that can be used to pre-order your food. On the login page, tap on the Sign up option and then type in your Onboarding code.

Now, enter the email address that you want to use for your account. Enter a password and choose a security question, providing an answer that you will remember (You’ll need this if you ever forget your password).

Tap on the Register option and you’ll receive an activation email shortly afterwards. Follow the instructions in the email to complete your registration.

Once activated, you can log into the app and start placing orders! You just need to make sure you have money in your ParentPay school meals account first. If you've not set up your ParentPay account yet, don’t worry just contact the school office to request your ParentPay activation code.

The app is easy to use however if you run into any problems you can visit to view a range of articles that should get you up and running in no time.

Grab and go secondary school menu