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Council Tax financial information

Council Tax financial information 2025/2026

In 2025/2026, we will invest a £1,019.145 million budget to fund key commitments spelled out in Connect, the Council Plan.

Net expenditure by service 2025/2026

Net Expenditure allocated by service Service spending £m Capital charges £m

Total 25/26    £m

Band D Council Tax equivalent 25/26
Education 520.374 30.176 550.550 £3,861.29
Roads and lighting 29.187 8.980 38.167 £267.68
Transport subsidies and concessionary fares 6.075 0.000 6.075 £42.61
Social Work 260.181 2.032 262.213 £1,839.03
Other housing costs 13.047 0.119 13.166 £92.34
Leisure and recreation 37.723 4.500 42.223 £296.13
Cleansing / Environment 49.490 0.900 50.390 £353.41
Libraries and museums 5.195 2.900 8.095 £56.77
Planning and building control 4.381 0.900 5.281 £37.04
Other services 39.298 3.687 42.985 £301.48
Total 964.951 54.194 1,019.145 £7,147.78
Net expenditure Total 25/26 £m       Band D Council Tax equivalent 24/25          
Total net expenditure by service 1,019.145 £7,147.78
Council Tax Reduction Scheme 24.776 £173.77
Total expenditure (inc Council Tax Reduction Scheme)



How the total expenditure has been financed, and the net amount required from Council Tax

Financed by Total 25/26 £m    Band D Council Tax equivalent 25/26             
Government grants 452.757 £3,175.42
Non domestic rates 371.110 £2,602.78
Reserves 23.455 £164.50
Net amount required from Council Tax                             196.599 £1,378.85

This table shows the band D Council Tax charge for 2025/2026 and 2024/2025. The Scottish average in 2024/2025 was £1,418.00 (excluding water and sewerage charges)

Year Band D Council Tax (South Lanarkshire)
2025/26 £1,378.85
2024/25 £1,300.81

Change in spend for this years budget in 2025/2026 compared to 2024/2025

Net expenditure allocated by service                          Total 25/26   

Total 24/25

Change from 24/25  
Change from 24/25 %
Education 550.550 521.735 28.815 5.52%
Roads and lighting 38.167 31.897 6.270 19.66%
Transport subsidies and concessionary fares 6.075 5.971 0.104 1.74%
Social Work 262.213 241.742 20.471 8.47%
Other housing costs 13.166 13.758 (0.592) -4.30%
Leisure and recreation 42.223 36.475 5.748 15.76%
Cleansing / Environment 50.390 49.944 0.446 0.89%
Libraries and museums 8.095 8.040 0.055 0.68%
Planning and building control 5.281 5.378 (0.097) -1.80%
Other services 42.985 43.312 (0.327) -0.75%
Total 1,019.145 958.252 60.893 6.35%

Employee numbers full time equivalent (FTE)

The table below shows the employee numbers (full time equivalent) for 2025/2026 and 2024/2025.

Year Employee numbers (FTE)
2025/2026 12,953
2024/2025 12,490
Increase 463

General revenue fund expenditure

The council spend per dwelling is £6,767.69.

Note: Government Grant Aided Expenditure (GAE) per dwelling for 2025/2026 is £6,679.12. This is a statistic provided by the Government and relates to data relative to pre 2007.

Gross expenditure

Expenditure  £m
Gross expenditure 1,347.993
Less: fees and charges      (328.848)
Net expenditure 1,019.145