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Oracle Fusion

Guide for line manager

Follow the steps below to get started and find your way around Manager Self-Service (MSS). 

Training and support

A range of Quick Reference Guides (QRG’s) and system demos are also available, where you can view the step-by-step actions needed to complete particular requests. You can access these from Oracle Fusion learning.

The QRG summary shows all the available guides and highlights the top tasks that will be of use to line managers as they learn how to use the new system.

The personnel intranet site also has a lot of helpful information and guidance notes on the most common types of requests. You can also look at the handy navigation guide, which shows how to find your way around the screens to submit various kinds of requests.

Viewing information about your direct reports

Managers can view information relating to their team by choosing the My Team tab at the top of the page and by selecting the My Team tile. From here, you can select an employee and view their employment information or perform a transaction on their behalf.

Sickness absences

Managers can now record sickness absences for employees in their team. The new process also involves managers being responsible for uploading fit notes, adding fit note dates, and uploading ASM outcome letters to an employee’s record. Managers and employees can also see occupational and statutory sick pay entitlement information on screen (full pay, half pay and no pay dates).

Read the guidance on recording and managing sickness absence.

You should check that recent periods of sickness absence have been transferred correctly into the system for your direct reports. You can add recent absences if they are missing. Any errors should be highlighted to Personnel Services using the HR Helpdesk choosing the “Maximising Attendance” category.

If employees in your team are currently absent, their absence start date should already be visible in Fusion, however, please remember to close their absence as soon as they return to work.

Approving requests from employees

Employees in your team can now make requests via employee self-service (ESS) and these will be automatically assigned to you for approval. This includes different leave types like annual leave, maternity, adoption or paternity leave, and career breaks. Employees can also submit flexible working requests, expense claims and overtime, standby, call out and keeping in touch claims which will also come to you for approval.

Managers are notified of requests requiring their attention by email and via the bell icon on the Oracle Fusion home page. See how to access and action these requests. Managers can also submit transactions on behalf of their employees.

Annual leave

Employees’ leave balances were transferred into Oracle Fusion based as at 16 July 2024 along with any future leave already requested before system access was removed.

You can view this information for your team via My team>existing absences and My team>absence balance.

Some employees’ annual leave information was not accurate in People Connect; where possible we contacted managers and asked them to correct the information. If this was not done, the information in Oracle Fusion will also be wrong.

We will work with you to correct this information; however, this will require line manager involvement. Please urge your team to be patient if they contact us regarding an annual leave issue as we will try our hardest to deal with these queries as quickly as we can.

Viewing your team’s work schedules

Detailed work schedules (patterns) for employees are held in Oracle Fusion to assist with annual leave and sickness absence requests and reports. You can view the work schedules for your team by navigating from the My Team tab to the Team Schedule screen. If a work schedule is not accurate, please provide the correct work schedule using the Oracle Fusion Work Schedule Template.

Notifying Personnel of anomalies or errors

If you identify any anomalies or errors with the information held on Oracle Fusion in respect of your team, such as an incorrect employment, annual leave, or work schedule information, please follow the guidance on how to raise a service request via the HR help desk.

Notifications and reminders

Line managers will receive an email notification to let them know that an employee has submitted a request that requires attention. For example, to approve an annual leave request or overtime claim. Employees will also receive notifications to let them know their request has been approved or amended. You can also use notifications to ask an employee to provide more information before you approve a request.

In addition to email notifications, you will also see a similar notification in the bell icon at the top of the Oracle Fusion home screen; this will alert you of notifications to action.

Towards the bottom of the home screen, you will find the Things to Finish section. This will highlight any outstanding tasks that require your attention, for example, outstanding time cards or annual leave requests to approve.

News and announcements

At the very bottom of the home screen is the news and announcements section. You should check this regularly to keep up to date with the most recent employee communications such as Personnel Circulars and Management Bulletins. This is also where you can find details of the payroll deadlines and fixed public holidays for the year ahead.