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Overtime, additional hours and element codes

If you are submitting overtime and are unsure what element codes to use please use the examples below based on the number of contracted hours you work a week.

Working additional hours and overtime in contracted post

This is for full time and part time employees working additional hours or overtime in their own post.

Full time employees (35 hours)

Enhanced rates are only paid for hours worked over 37 hours per week. 35-hour employees must claim the first 2 hours worked at plain time using element 012, as detailed below.

Working additional hours and overtime in contracted post
Days worked Hours worked Enhancement Element code
Monday to Saturday 35-37 hours 2 hours and plain time 012
Monday to Saturday hours worked over 37 time and a half 003
Sunday all hours worked time and a half* 003

*Employees with a contractual entitlement to double time as at 31/03/2004 are entitled to double time on a personally preserved basis. This should be claimed using Element code 015.

Part time employees (normal full time hours - 35 hours)

Enhanced rates are only paid for hours worked over 37 hours per week. Part time employees must therefore claim, additional hours worked up to 35 hours using element 087 to ensure the correct pension contributions are made, thereafter the hours between 35 and 37 hours must be claimed at plain time. Any more hours worked over 37 hours should be claimed at time and a half as detailed below.

Part time employees (normal full time hours - 35 hours)
Days worked Hours worked Enhancement Element code
Monday to Saturday

Hours worked up to 35

Additional hours (no enhancement,
paid at plain time)

Monday to Saturday 35-37 hours 2 hours at plain time 012
Monday to Saturday

Hours worked over 37

Time and a half 003
Sunday All hours worked Time and a half* 003

*Employees with a contractual entitlement to double time as at 31/03/2004 are entitled to double-time on a personally preserved basis. This should be claimed using element 015.

Full time employees (37 hours and above)

Enhanced rates can be paid for any hours worked over 37 hours or the relevant full time contracted hours over 37 hours, for example an employee may be contracted to 40 hours per week and therefore overtime rates only apply once contracted hours are worked.

Full time employees (37 hours and above)
Days worked Hours worked Enhancement Element code
Monday to Saturday

Hours worked over 37
Hours worked over normal
Full Time hours if
contracted hours are over
37 hours

Time and a half 003
Sunday All hours worked Time and a half* 003

*Employees with a contractual entitlement to double time as at 31/03/2004 are entitled to double-time on a personally preserved basis. This should be claimed using element 015.

Part time employees (normal full time hours - 37 hours and above)

Part time employees (normal full time hours - 37 hours and above)
Days worked Days worked Enhancement Element code
Monday to Saturday

Hours worked up to 37

Additional hours
(no enhancement)

Monday to Saturday

Hours worked over 37

Time and a half 003
Sunday All hours worked Time and a half* 003

*Employees with a contractual entitlement to double time as at 31/03/2004 are entitled to double-time on a personally preserved basis. This should be claimed using element 015.

Working additional hours and overtime in a different post

This is for employees working additional hours or overtime in a post other than their own.

If you have been asked to work overtime or additional hours in a post other than your own you should be aware of the following guidance. In addition to the normal information provided in the claim

  • the cost centre for the additional hours must be provided
  • the hourly rate for the overtime post must also be added to the claim
  • if the overtime hours worked were at the same hourly rate as your substantive post no hourly rate needs to be added
Working additional hours and overtime in a different post
Days worked Hours worked Enhancement Element code
Monday to Saturday

Hours worked up to full
time hours for overtime

Additional hours
(no enhancement,
paid at plain time)

Monday to Saturday

35-37 hours (if normal full time
hours is 35 hours)

2 hours at plain time 012
Monday to Saturday Hours worked over 37 Time and a half 003
Sunday All hours worked Time and a half* 003

*Employees with a contractual entitlement to double time as at 31/03/2004 are entitled to double-time on a personally preserved basis. This should be claimed using element 015.

Working contractual hours in another post (Facilities Services/Social Work Resources only)

In exceptional circumstances in Facilities Services and Social Work Resources, an employee may be asked to cover another post at short notice and on a very short term basis instead of working their contractual hours in their normal post, for example a cook covering a cook in charge post to cover sickness or a cleaner covering a janitor post at short notice.

The following example shows how a claim like this should be submitted and approved.

A cleaner contracted for 10 hours per week (8.75 hours term time) is asked to cover a janitor post at 30 hours per week as a result of an emergency cover situation.

As the employee is not undertaking their substantive cleaning duties a claim should be submitted to deduct one week of their basic cleaner pay under element 001 using a minus as shown below.

1. Deduct basic hours under 001 basic pay

Deduct basic hours under 001 basic pay
Element code Hours Rate of pay Cost centre
001 -8.75 Leave blank Leave blank

A further claim must then be submitted in order to pay the additional 30 hours at the hourly rate for the janitor post using element code 001 basic pay. The cost centre of the location of the janitor post must be provided if different from the employee’s substantive post.

2. Pay hours worked at janitor rate

Pay hours worked at janitor rate
Element code Hours Rate of pay Cost centre
001 30 £9.42 93267


Social Work employees undertaking sleepover duties

Social Work employees required to undertake sleepover duties are paid at the hourly rate of Grade 1 Level 1 (lowest point on LGE pay scales). The number of hours worked in the sleepover shift should be claimed using the Sleepover element 364. The appropriate hourly rate will be automatically paid when this is selected.

Related content

  1. Overtime claims
  2. Overtime, additional hours and element codes
  3. Standby, disturbance and call out