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The people of South Lanarkshire elected 64 men and women to represent them on the Council following the Scottish local government elections on Thursday 5 May 2022. The area is divided into 20 wards, each with three or four councillors.

Information on council meetings, committees and minutes are all available in our Councillors and Committees pages.

Here is the current political composition of South Lanarkshire Council.

And here are the councillors expenses for 2023-24.

Election results

Here are the results and the breakdowns from the Local Government elections:

Voting system

At council elections voters vote using numbers to elect Councillors for the ward they live in - this is called the Single Transferable Vote (STV). 

When you vote you number the candidates in the order of your choice. You can make as many choices as you wish. Put the number 1 in the box next to the name of the candidate who is your first choice, 2 in the box next to your second choice, 3 in the box next to your third choice and so on. 

The three or four most preferred candidates for each of these large wards will be elected.  All councillors within the ward will have equal status.

You can watch our films on how to Register to Vote, Postal and Proxy Voting and At the polling station.

More information on ways of voting and elections is available from

Related content

  1. Councillors
  2. Find my councillor