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Council leader

Councillor Joe Fagan is the Leader of the Council and Councillor Gerry Convery as the Depute Leader.

The role of the Council Leader

Council Leader is the top political role in the council.

South Lanarkshire aims to improve the quality of life for everyone in South Lanarkshire. Its plans and priorities are set out in Connect - Council Plan.

As chair of the Executive Committee, the Council Leader works closely with the leaders of the other political groups on the council and the council's paid staff, led by the Chief Executive, to ensure decisions are taken, business is progressed and we make all the progress we can in reaching our goals.

The Council Leader is the council's key spokesperson on policy and co-ordinates the work of the chairs of each of the council committees to ensure the council as a whole work effectively.

The Council Leader also chairs the Community Planning Partnership and works closely with partner organisations such as NHS and the Police to deliver on our Community Plan for the area.

The role of the Council Leader in South Lanarkshire is quite separate from that of the Provost.