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Safer footpaths

We want to keep our pavements and footpaths clear of obstructions.

Obstructions can cause problems for pedestrians and can make simple journeys difficult for wheelchair users, blind or partially sighted people or those with mobility issues. Some obstacles can force people to walk on the road.


  • park or drive on the footpath. If you need to get a kerb lowered to gain access across the pavement please make a dropped kerb request.
  • leave wheelie bins, bin bags or loose rubbish where someone could fall over them. If you need to arrange for rubbish to be taken away please use the Uplift request form.
  • place advertising hoardings or shop displays where they will cause an obstruction. If you need advertisement consent to display signs, adverts or hoardings, see how to make a planning application.
  • put up scaffolding or place skips on the footpath without getting our permission. See permits to occupy a road, footway or verge and skip permits.
  • don't attach adverts to guardrails or lamp posts.

Do make sure that you trim trees and bushes regularly. Overgrown vegetation can block visibility at junctions. If you need to arrange for garden waste to be taken away please use the Uplift request form.

Traffic and Transportation Section