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Third party liability claims

Terms and conditions

  • The claim form must be completed in full, signed and dated by you as being a true representation of the circumstances surrounding the background to your loss.
  • Any alleged loss that is found to have been fraudulently intimated, falsely stated or exaggerated will be passed to the Procurator Fiscal and may be subject to criminal prosecution.
  • Any successful claim settlement will be offset against any current debt owed to South Lanarkshire Council, including Council Tax arrears, which will be notified to you separately.
  • On receipt of your claim form it will be passed onto the Council's external claim handlers, Gallagher Bassett.
  • A report will be compiled by the relevant Service within Enterprise Resources. All information will be taken into consideration and a decision will be made on your claim. You will receive written confirmation of the outcome from the Council's external claim handlers.
  • No further contact should be made with the Council following intimation of your claim. Any further communication should be made directly with the Council's claim handlers, who will already have acknowledged their interest to you.
  • It is also your responsibility to quantify the value of your loss. Therefore, written estimates will be required for the repair or replacement of damaged property; as well as an indication of the original purchase price and date of purchase.  For damage to tyres, it will be necessary to advise the age of the tyre and also the mileage covered since purchased.
  • Should you proceed with repairs or replacement prior to the Council/its Insurers having had the opportunity to fully investigate the position on liability, your claim may be prejudiced. Where the damage relates to vehicle damage it is understood it will be necessary to carry out repairs prior to the claim being determined. Where possible, please retain the damaged parts or alternatively provide photographs to show the extent of damage.
  • Similarly any damaged property which is disposed of without the prior agreement of the Council or its Insurers may prejudice your claim.
  • With regards to property damage, if it is decided that the claim will be settled, where required, a suitable deduction will be made for wear and tear on the items claimed for.
  • If you claim on your own insurance, it is likely that it will be dealt with more quickly than a third party claim as liability does not have to be established. If your Insurers believe there has been fault on the Council's part they will pursue a claim against the Council.