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Roads in winter

Grit bins

Finding your nearest grit bin

Search by postcode

Enter your postcode and select your address from the list. There will be a list on the left hand side showing the distance to your nearest grit bins.

Grit bins are away from gritting routes at spots where there can be problems with ice and snow, such as junctions or slopes. Grit does not need to be spread in large quantities to be effective so a relatively small amount of grit should cover a reasonable area. It is best to spread grit before snow falls - if this isn't possible you should shovel away as much snow as possible before spreading grit.    

You can also collect small amounts of salt from grit bins inside our roads depots at:

We don't deliver or supply bags so you will need to bring something to put it in and a shovel.

Empty or damaged grit bin?

If you need a grit bin refilled or a grit bin needs repaired, please request it here:

Every month between November and March we check around 3200 grit bins and refill them if needed.

No grit bin?

If you think a street needs a grit bin, you can request one using our online form. Grit bins will only be placed in areas that meet the following:

  • the path should not be on a priority footway salting route
  • the location should not be within 100m of another grit bin
  • the bin should not be in the way of pedestrians
  • the location should not be in a privately-owned area

Roads staff will decide on the best location for any new grit bins and once place they will remain there throughout the year. Any requests will be dealt with as our resources allow.

We don't sell grit bins, but there are companies who do sell them to individuals. The typical cost range is from £118 to £300, (salt not included).


Salt in grit bins is only for use on public roads and footpaths. You should not use it on private property.