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Park Safe

Park Safe away from school entrances and school keep clear markings

If you do have to travel by car to and from school, please park in a safe location away from school entrances and never on the school keep clear markings or pavement.

What markings are outside schools?

Schools have many road markings and signs in place to help reduce speed and to keep the areas around the school entrance and gates clear.

School entrances

All schools have different layouts with pedestrian and vehicle access points. Please do not park near any access routes as this can cause congestion and reduce accessibility for both cars and pedestrians. The area at the school vehicle entrance must be kept clear at all times.

Yellow school keep clear zig zag markings

These markings are placed near the school frontage to assist with accessibility, improve road safety and provide an opportunity for pedestrians to crossing safely. These should be kept clear at all times.

They help keep the identified area clear to give pedestrians the opportunity to look and see oncoming traffic, allowing them to use the Green Cross Code to cross the road safely.

Why are these markings so important?

The yellow school keep clear zig zag markings must be kept clear at all times. 

If vehicles are parked on these markings, this displaces pedestrian movements and makes it more difficult for people to see to cross the road. It also increases congestion, impacts air quality and means that emergency vehicles may not be able to gain access to the building. For health and safety reasons, in the case of an emergency situation, markings must be kept clear.

You may find that some sets of yellow school keep clear markings are enforceable and this will be supported by a sign displaying specific times. If you park or stop on the markings during enforceable times, you could be fined.

Is it OK to stop or park here?

No, these markings are in place for a reason. Do not stop or park on school keep clear markings, not even for 10 seconds or in bad weather. Help support and keep the roads surrounding the school safe. 

Get involved

Sustainable and safe travel to and from school

Streets outside the school can be busy so please try and walk, wheel or scoot to and from school when possible. If you do have to take the car, please choose a suitable location to park and stride from, walking the remaining distance with your child(ren). Less cars around the school will contribute to cleaner air quality and less emissions polluting the environment.

Safe speeds

Many schools have a mandatory 20mph speed limit. You will see a red circle outline with a 20 in the middle to advise drivers. These speed limits apply at all times.

Other schools may have a part-time mandatory 20mph speed limit. You will see red circle outline with a 20 in the middle to advise drivers alongside the text ‘when lights flash’. These speed limits apply at school journey times when the lights are in operation.

There may also be ‘Twenty’s Plenty’ signage in place on nearby streets. These advisory signs feature a green circle outline with a 20 in the middle. These are used to advise drivers to drive at a low speed within these areas.

Drive at a safe speed at all times. Be particularly aware of younger road users around the school whether on foot, bike or scooter or entering or existing a vehicle.

Plan your journey

Look for safe places to cross the road.

Use the Green Cross Code to help you cross the road safely

  • First, find a clear area where you can see all around and there is nothing blocking your view. Ensure that you have a safe place to cross over into. Take care near parked cars and driveways.
  • Stop - place your feet behind the kerb.
  • Look – check right, left and right again, not just along the road that you are crossing but all the roads around you. Continue to look before you cross and whilst crossing the road.
  • Listen for vehicles, remember different types of traffic will sound different.
  • Think – once you have looked and listened for traffic is it now safe to cross? After looking and listening, only if it is clear in all directions, cross safely. Walk straight across the road, as this is the most direct route, looking and listening as you cross.

Rethink your parking… Park Safe

Be a safe parker – away from school entrances and school keep clear markings

Remember, pavement parking poses problems for all pedestrians.

Disabled spaces are for blue badge holders only, please ensure your blue badge is visible if using a space.

Plan your journey

Walk, wheel, cycle or scoot to school where possible, let’s work towards a sustainable future.