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Choosing a care home

Thinking of moving to a care home?

Finding the Care That is Right For You is a Scottish Government publication that answers many of the questions you and your family might have when faced with the prospect of you needing 24-hour care. 

Nursing homes

These are for people who need nursing care and they always have a qualified nurse on duty 24 hours a day.

Residential care homes

These are for people who need help with personal care but do not need nursing assistance and therefore don't have a trained nurse on duty. They can however offer support from community nurses if you need it.

Some care homes have dual registration that lets them offer placements to people who need either types of care. This can be good if you need nursing care while in residential care as you could stay in the same home, rather than having to move to a nursing home.

Sometimes nursing homes offer places for residential care - if they have vacancies - but this is at the discretion of the management. This would mean they would receive less of a weekly rate from us. However, as nursing homes cater mainly for people with higher care needs and higher dependence, a residential placement would not necessarily be in your best interests (depending on your own capabilities).

The range of services that care homes offer can differ. Some services may involve additional payments over and above the weekly rate, eg hairdressing and providing newspapers. It is important to find out in advance what services the weekly rate covers and which services cost extra. For more information please go to our webpage on care costs.

For details of our residential care homes please go to our care homes directory.