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Services affected by Storm Eowyn -

Updated Tuesday 28 January 2025

Choosing a care home

Things to consider when choosing a care home

If a care home is the right option for you, think about the kind of home you would like. Do you want one that's near your local community, where it's easier to stay in touch with friends, attend church or continue to see the same doctor?

Once you have chosen your location, what are the homes in the area like?

  • are they welcoming, comfortable and well decorated
  • will you get your own room and your own bathroom
  • can visitors call at any time
  • are there facilities to make tea or a snack
  • what's the food like
  • can you smoke or have a drink
  • are there social activities and other things to do

You will also want to find out about any other services you need, such as catering for special diets. Other things to consider include:

  • the size of the home
  • do you need a lift
  • is it easy to get about
  • can you bring your own TV, telephone or furniture
  • can you stay for a trial period to find out if you like it

If you are considering residential or nursing care for yourself or a relative, contact your local social work office. A care assessment will be carried out to determine what your needs are and the best way to meet them.