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Sheltered housing

Guest room fees

South Lanarkshire Council has a very small number of basic guest rooms in some of it's Sheltered Housing properties. This is to allow family and/or friends who have travelled a distance to visit their relative to stay over and spend time with them.

The normal length of stay is usually up to a maximum of seven days but in exceptional circumstances this can be negotiated if no one else is waiting for the facility. Bedding should be provided by the relative being visited and visitors are responsible for cleaning up when they leave.

If there is no guest room facility in the sheltered complex where your relative resides, then the Sheltered Housing Officer can find out whether the room in another complex is available on the date/s required.

In order to make payment for the guest room facility, you will need to provide your:

  • Name and address including your house number and postcode
  • Name and address of the visitor/s and their relationship to the tenant
  • Contact phone number
  • Debit or credit card details

Please note that we can’t accept payments by American Express or Electron.

You can pay:


Payment can be made using our secure online payment service. Please select the area you live in, this will take you to the payment page where you will have further options. Please select the location of the guest room you require and the number of nights you need - the payment required will then be displayed.

Hamilton area

East Kilbride area

Cambuslang/Rutherglen area

Clydesdale area

Your Sheltered Housing Officer will provide advice and support regarding availability of the room required and the receipt of the keys to the property.

If you need more information please speak to your Sheltered Housing Officer.