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- due to essential maintenance, maps are unavailable to view today, Thursday 13 March.

Sheltered housing

Sheltered housing is individual, self-contained homes for older people. The properties are generally grouped together and may be bungalows, or flats in a building which is serviced by a lift. Tenants sign a Scottish Secure Tenancy Agreement. 

We have 1218 sheltered tenancies across South Lanarkshire, with tenants supported by 55 Sheltered Housing Officers. Demand for sheltered housing is very high and there are waiting lists for most areas. If you are interested in finding out about how you are queued for sheltered housing, please read section 11 of our Housing Allocation Policy. The Summary Allocation Policy is also available to download and read.

Our online directories describe the range of facilities and services available to older people living in sheltered accommodation. It also gives details of the types and locations of sheltered housing offered by the Council, other social landlords and information on how to apply. You can also contact your local housing office to discuss with the local Housing Officer.

Care Inspectorate reports

Sheltered housing is registered with and inspected by the Care Inspectorate under the National Care Standards for Housing Support. 

The service is assessed under three headings:

  • quality of care and support
  • quality of staffing
  • quality of management and leadership

Inspectors take account of the views of tenants, service users and sheltered housing staff.

Previous reports can be viewed on the Care inspectorate website.