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Suicide prevention

Every life matters

The Scottish Government has launched a 10 year strategy - Creating Hope Together: suicide prevention strategy 2022-2032 as well as a 3 year action plan - Creating Hope Together: suicide prevention action plan 2022-2025.

These documents are also available in an easy read format:

Creating Hope Together: suicide prevention strategy 2022-2032 easy read

Creating Hope Together: suicide prevention action plan 2022-2025 easy read

Someone you know may be at risk of suicide if they:

  • Talk about wanting to die
  • Have been stressed or anxious and don't seem to be coping
  • Appear careless, moody, or withdrawn
  • Have lost interest in their appearance
  • Are using drugs and/or alcohol
  • Have recently experienced a negative life event
  • Have lost interest in friends, hobbies, and life

You can help:

  • Let them talk about their feelings
  • Listen carefully to what they have to say
  • Let them know you care
  • Ask if they are thinking about suicide
  • Call 999 if they have immediate suicide plans

Encourage them to talk more to:

  • Family, friends, a GP, a counsellor, or someone they can trust
  • Breathing Space or the Samaritans

Crisis support

Breathing Space: (Mon - Thu 6pm - 2am, Fri - Mon 6pm - 6am) 0800 83 85 87

Childline: 0800 1111 (for children, young people)

HopeLine UK: 0800 068 4141 (for young people)

Samaritans: 116 123 from any phone

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