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South Lanarkshire's Partnership on Gender-Based Violence

More information about commercial sexual exploitation

Commercial sexual exploitation (CSE) includes a wide range of often linked sexual activities which (typically) men profit from or buy from women and which objectify and harm women.  It includes prostitution, phone sex, internet sex/chat rooms, stripping, pole dancing, lap dancing, peep shows, pornography, trafficking, sex tourism and mail order brides.  The women involved are often on low incomes, substance users and victims of other forms of gender-based violence.  Based on a lack of alternatives and often on coercion, such activities are rarely a 'free' or 'vocational' choice.

There are numerous services available to those who have been affected by commercial sexual exploitation:

Lanarkshire Rape Crisis Helpline: 01698 527003 (

Open Road Project: 0141 420 7284

Police Scotland: 101 (non-emergency) or 999

Rape Crisis Helpline: 08088 01 03 02

Scottish Women's Rights Centre: 08088 010 789

Trafficking Awareness Raising Alliance: 0141 276 7724
