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South Lanarkshire's Partnership on Gender-Based Violence

More information about domestic abuse

Domestic abuse is a pattern of coercive control which can include emotional, sexual, psychological, financial and physical abuse.  It affects 1 in 4 women over the course of their lives.  Domestic abuse can be perpetrated by partners or ex-partners.

Domestic abuse is not just a women's issue.  Men need to be involved if we are to tackle this issue effectively.

It is recognised that:

  • The vast majority of victims are women and children
  • The vast majority of men are not abusive

Domestic abuse is not caused by stress, unemployment, poverty, alcohol, mental illness, or by those who experience domestic abuse.

It is important to recognise, that men and boys can also be subjected to abuse; most often by other men, but sometimes also by women.  Domestic abuse can also occur in same sex relationships.

Keeping Yourself Safe

There may come a time when you are forced to leave your home urgently for your own safety and that of your children.  it is useful to try and be prepared.  This checklist could help:

  • Keep a note of important contact numbers
  • Do you have your mobile phone and charger
  • Do you have important documents (e.g. legal documentation, medical/birth/marriage certificates)?
  • Try to have some money available
  • Try to keep a bag with a change of clothes, toiletries etc (hidden at someone else's house if possible)
  • Do you have your medication?

If you are separated from an abusive partner or are still living together, there are many ways in which you can feel safer and better supported:

  • Inform family and friends
  • Ask neighbours to call the Police
  • Inform those who take care of your children and name who can collect them
  • Report and explain injuries to health workers
  • Secure your home
  • Talk honestly with your children, explain the situation and talk to them about what they can do to be safer

It is important to consider any potential risks involved in safety planning and keep you and your children safe at all times.