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Multi-Agency Public Protection Arrangements (MAPPA)

Who checks it is all working?

A Strategic Management Group has been established to monitor and review the effectiveness of MAPPA arrangements across the Responsible Authorities in Lanarkshire and is chaired by a senior representative from one of the Responsible Authorities.

Both North and South local authority areas have a Chief Officers Group for Public Protection who also are kept informed of necessary developments.

Further information

If you have any queries or wish additional information please contact the MAPPA Co-ordinator:

MAPPA Co-ordinator

Public Protection Office

Regent House

9 High Patrick Street



Phone: 01698 894138


Related content

  1. MAPPA
  2. Who are MAPPA Offenders?
  3. How are offenders managed?
  4. How does it work?
  5. Who checks it is all working?