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MAPPA Annual Report 2023

Business Priorities - Lanarkshire MAPPA - 2023/2024

MAPPA Annual Report 2023

The multi-agency members of the Lanarkshire Management Operational Group (MOG) and Strategic Oversight Group (SOG) worked collaboratively to agree the following business priorities to address the key issues for the period 2023/24.

High Level Outcomes

  1. Learning from a range of sources, including research, local quality assurance activity, practice experience, performance information, and significant case reviews informs priority setting, policy and practice developments.
  2. Evidence informed changes to policy and practice are introduced, monitored and evaluated, and improve the safety and wellbeing of individuals and our communities.
  3. Evidence informed, up to date procedures, protocols and guidance are available in relation to core public protection business and related priority issues, these are implemented effectively and impact on practice and outcomes.
  4. The collective Lanarkshire MAPPA workforce is competent and confident in their individual, managerial and support roles to improve the safety and wellbeing of individuals and our communities.
  5. Relevant, up to date public information is available in a range of accessible and engaging formats to individuals and communities across Lanarkshire.
  6. The views of victims and/or their families are taken into account in relation to issues that affect them directly and in policy and practice development.
  7. Collaboration and co-operation between the SOG and other national and local multi-agency partnerships is effective.
  8. National strategy and policy developments inform SOG activity.
  9. Local leadership of public protection is effective in driving improvements in public protection practice and in improving outcomes for individuals and our communities.
Action Lead Evidence measure Target/review completion date Progress/outcome
Consider and prepare for MAPPS implementation SOG and MOG Develop implementation plan, training requirements, contingency arrangements with a clear and definitive Terms of Reference guided by both national and local position March 2024 On track
MAPPA Audit MOG Conduct multi-agency audit of systems used to manage MAPPA cases based on identified Learning Points from Glasgow SCR March 2024  On track
Monitor and implement any guidance provided regarding terrorist/risk offenders SOG and MOG Implement any guidance from Scottish Government following consideration of PREVENT links, monitor development of any interventions and/or risk assessments developed for terrorist/risk offenders March 2024 On track
Consider conclusions from Level 1 Review and revise processes as necessary Task group Consider implications of continued increase in volume of offenders and revise processes accordingly March 2024 Completed
Risk Register to be updated and reviewed SOG MAPPA Risk Register to be reviewed and updated to reflect current risks December 2023 Completed
Highlight increase in number of MAPPA offenders at National Strategic Group (NSG) and seek to improve awareness nationally SOG Raise at NSG issue of continued increase in MAPPA offenders and improve national awareness  December 2023 On track
Improve awareness of MAPPA Training sub group Increased delivery of awareness sessions across sectors and partners, including elected members, education staff. Utilise MAPPA video, training events, partner organisations March 2024 On track

MAPPA Annual Report 2023