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MAPPA Annual Report 2023

Progress report on business plan 2022/23

MAPPA Annual Report 2023

This progress report is in response to the commitment detailed in the MAPPA Annual Report for 2022 that Lanarkshire MAPPA would address the following issues. 

Action Lead Evidence measure Target review/completion date Progress/outcome
Examine impact and complexity of increase in Level 1 cases across Lanarkshire, including possible increases in coming years MOG -SLWG Scope demand and capacity issues and evaluate impact to ensure Level 1 cases are appropriately resourced and managed By 31 March 2023 Complete - review of Level 1 cases and report submitted to SOG for consideration
Staff training to be delivered in relation to operational procedures for 2022 MAPPA Guidance regarding Cat 3 cases, INR/SCR process, Serious Harm to ensure consistency of approach Training sub-group Training is provided to multi-agency staff in relation to relevant areas of 2022 MAPPA Guidance to increase awareness and knowledge

December 2022


Complete - training provided to staff within each of the MAPPA partner agencies on the changes contained within national MAPPA Guidance 2022
Learning experience from other MAPPA areas regarding Cat 3 Terrorist or Terrorism -related cases to be examined, including links to PREVENT agenda and potential cross-border issues MOG and SOG Best practice review to be undertaken to enhance knowledge and capacity to deal with relevant Cat 3 cases November 2022 Complete - review of previous Terrorism or Terrorism risk offenders conducted. MAPPA Development Group continues to develop this process at a national level
Review pre and post COVID working practices, including use of Teams, service delivery model etc. to ensure MAPPA practices remain fit for purpose MOG - SLWG MAPPA attendees questionnaire to explore outcomes and impact sent to relevant staff, PBSW, SPS, Justice, Housing, Health, Police and feedback used to compare /contrast and inform working practices March 2023 Complete - multi-agency staff provided feedback on pre and post COVID practices and consensus was that use of Teams should continue and current working practices are efficient and effective
Monitor impact of information sharing changes locally and nationally SOG and MOG Information sharing changes monitored and addressed locally and nationally March 2023 Complete - agreed at a national level that information sharing will remain 'as is' until introduction of MAPPS in 2024
Consider impact of National Care Service locally and nationally SOG and MOG Local partnership groups monitored progress of National Care Service and implemented changes where applicable March 2023 Complete - discussions regarding NCS remain ongoing - no changes locally meantime

MAPPA Annual Report 2023