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MAPPA Annual Report 2023


MAPPA Annual Report 2023

Lanarkshire MAPPA Mission Statement

We will work together to reduce the risk posed by individuals who may cause harm within our communities. Through effective communication and information sharing, we will make our communities a safer place to work and live.

Welcome to the sixteenth annual report for the Multi-agency Public Protection Arrangements (MAPPA) operating in Lanarkshire.

This is my fourth annual report as MAPPA Strategic Oversight Group (SOG) chair having originally taken on the role in February 2016. A lot has changed since then. During the last 12 months many of us have returned to a new ‘normal’ way of working following the restrictions imposed as a result of the pandemic. Whether the new norm means home or office-based, or a form of hybrid-working, throughout these challenging times and changes MAPPA partners in the Lanarkshire area continued to work collaboratively to manage those who pose a risk to the community.

The Multi-Agency Public Protection Arrangements (MAPPA) established by section 10 of the Management of Offenders etc. (Scotland) Act 2005, provide a national framework for jointly establishing arrangements to assess and manage risks posed by certain categories of offender, namely;

  • Registered Sex Offenders,
  • Restricted Patients and
  • Offenders assessed as posing a risk of serious harm

The fundamental purpose of MAPPA is public safety and the reduction of serious harm. The introduction of MAPPA across Scotland in April 2007 gave a consistent approach to the management of offenders across all local authority and police areas, providing a framework for assessing and managing the risk posed by such offenders.

Despite the many challenges over the last 12 months, MAPPA has remained committed to managing the risks posed by all those offenders subject to the legislation. Every effort is made to ensure the effective deployment of resources, within the context of more people with convictions being managed through MAPPA alongside the increasingly significant financial pressures facing local communities, voluntary and charitable organisations and indeed every public sector body and aspect of society. 

This report will give feedback on the commitments made in our business plan for 2022/23 as well as outlining our commitment to progress and address significant future challenges, as outlined in our business priorities for the year ahead. Through all of this we continue to place public protection at the top of our agenda.

I’m pleased to report that the last 12 months has seen even greater partnership working across all the disciplines of public protection (Child Protection, Adult Support and Protection, Gender-based Violence) and including stronger links with the Alcohol and Drug Partnership and Community Justice. This more integrated approach has seen joint training events and seminars being held to showcase and examine the interaction often evident between these different but connected arenas. We have undertaken significant work to build on existing practices and improve the interaction between each of these frameworks but we realise this is not something that happens overnight therefore, over the next 12 months we will continue to build on what we have achieved and further improve our interactions and support. Within the current and financially challenging environment it also makes sense not only to maximise public protection but to strive to achieve more and use our collective resources to best effect.

I firmly believe that Lanarkshire MAPPA will rise to the challenges and will continue to work collaboratively to ensure the high standards we have set are maintained and, where possible, improved. When we become aware of where practice could be improved we have endeavoured to learn from this. During the last 12 months we have not undertaken any Significant Case Reviews but have ensured where such reviews are undertaken, the findings are scrutinised and the learning shared across Lanarkshire partners. This drive for continuous improvement through partnership working has been prevalent in Lanarkshire for many years now and although the number of people with convictions managed through MAPPA continues to increase the rate of re-offending still remains extremely low.

As my tenure as the Strategic Oversight Group (SOG) chair will come to an end in the next 12 months and my colleague Liam Purdie, Head of Children and Justice Services in South Lanarkshire Council will assume the Chair role, I would also like to take this opportunity to pass on my personal thanks to a number of people.

Firstly, I would like to take this opportunity to convey my personal thanks and gratitude to all staff involved in MAPPA, particularly front-line staff in Housing, Health, Prisons, Social Work, Education, Addictions and Police. I am frequently impressed by the high quality of work and professionalism that staff bring to the challenging task of effectively supervising high risk offenders and helping to keep communities safe. I would also like to acknowledge the excellent service provided by the administrative staff in each of the agencies who support this effort.

Equally, the contribution from third sector and voluntary organisations is hugely important and I’d like to express my thanks to all those personnel working alongside statutory agencies to help keep our communities safe. As recent years have shown, key workers come in many guises however the contribution of each and every one is crucial to ensure public safety.

Although there continues to be significant challenges ahead in managing increasing numbers of people who require management through the MAPPA all agencies remain committed to continuously improving the joint work that has been prevalent in Lanarkshire over the last 16 years. By continuing to work smarter together, being innovative and strengthening existing partnerships I’m confident that these challenges will be met

Alison Gordon

Chief Social Work Officer (Education, Families, Justice and Integrated Practice), North Lanarkshire Council

MAPPA Strategic Oversight Group Chair

MAPPA Annual Report 2023

May 2023