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Caledonian System

The Caledonian System is a behaviour programme for men convicted of domestic abuse offences and support services for their partners and children. It is an integrated approach to dealing with men’s domestic abuse and to improving the lives of women, children, and men. It aims at reducing the risk of re-offending, while supporting women and children. In South Lanarkshire it is managed by our Justice Social Work service.

Caledonian Men’s Programme

The Men’s programme encourages men to recognise their abuse and take responsibility for themselves and their relationships. It is aimed at men (16 years or over) who have been convicted of a domestic abuse related offence to a female partner or ex-partner. The programme is usually run in a group or up to 7/8 men. Occasionally it can be offered on a 1 to 1 basis if group work is not suitable for the person.

As part of the programme, men will:

  • be asked to complete some preparation sessions before joining the groupwork part of the programme
  • be shown how to make links between their thoughts, feelings and behaviour - the first step in making a positive change
  • work in a group with other men to learn more about how to change their damaging behaviour
  • be expected to respect their fellow group members
  • be expected to take responsibility for their abusive behaviour and not blame their ex-partner
  • attend monthly sessions either individually or in a group to maintain the changes they have made

Caledonian Women’s Service

The Women's Service offers emotional and practical support, safety planning advice, risk assessment and advocacy to women partners and ex-partners of men referred to the Men's Programme. It aims to reduce the risk to women and their children, and to improve women's social and emotional wellbeing. This service is voluntary.

Caledonian Children’s Service

The Children’s Service offers support to children and young people whose father or mother's (ex) partner is on the Men's Programme. This service works closely with Children’s Services to prevent further harm. Making sure the child or young person is safe and supporting their emotional wellbeing.

Men's abuse towards their partners is treated seriously in all Courts across South Lanarkshire and Scotland. We believe that men can change their abusive behaviour and this programme is an opportunity for them to make positive changes to the way they lead their lives. Men who have completed these types of programmes report that they now lead healthier and less abusive relationships.

The Caledonian Systems Delivery Team is a multi-disciplinary service located at Regent House, 9 High Patrick Street, Hamilton and can be contacted on 01698 894152.