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Bail Supervision

Bail Supervision is provided by the Lanarkshire Court Service and is intended to provide a robust and credible alternative to the use of remand and is aimed at supporting people to adhere to conditions of bail and to reduce the risk of further offending. Dedicated social workers and social work assistants from our Lanarkshire Court Services and our Whole Systems Approach (WSA) team (16-21year olds), can offer bail assessments to the court which are person-centred and will consider the individuals risks and needs in order to tailor an individualised action plan.

If bail supervision is imposed, contact will take place twice per week and the agreed action plan progressed with referrals being made to appropriate supports and services that are in keeping with the individual's needs. There is a welfare and relationship-based approach provided to those engaging with bail supervision and the action plan will be reviewed at regular intervals to ensure this meets the needs of the individual.