BSL Launch Recite Me assistive technology myaccountMyAccount login image

Our online rent services (myaccount)

is currently unavailable due to year-end processing


Working in partnership with you

We aim to be as inclusive as possible and provide a professional service that seeks to work in partnership with applicants.

We undertake to:

  • Respond to enquiries within a week in an efficient and courteous manner
  • Provide initial information by way of written material and telephone or direct contact with a fully qualified social worker who has experience in family placement work
  • Provide an initial interview with a fully qualified social worker within 4 weeks of your enquiry being received
  • Provide a comprehensive preparation and assessment programme.  This will normally involve group preparation and a home study undertaken by a social worker
  • Complete assessments within six months from the point of application and allocation
  • Invite you to the Adoption Panel which will consider your application and inform you of the recommendation that same day
  • Inform applicants timeously of the decision regarding approval
  • Give you reasons for the decision in writing and your right to request a review of the decision, if your application is unsuccessful
  • Provide an adoption support plan and re-assess the need for ongoing adoption support when requested