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Intercountry adoption

This section contains information if you are considering adopting a child from overseas.

If you would like to be assessed to adopt a child from overseas you will undergo the same preparatory and assessment process as detailed in the earlier sections. However, additional information and preparation will be provided to you during the preparatory group stage and/or the assessment process regarding the issues involved in adopting from overseas.

Applicants need to have researched the specific requirements of the country they wish to be approved to adopt from. For example, certain countries have additional medical checks, or request a psychological profile, in addition to the assessment report. You have the responsibility for checking requirements and providing this and any cost involved.

We charge for completing an intercountry adoption assessment. This is currently £4,245. In addition, the Scottish Government are also considering implementing a charge. You will also need to be able to fund your travel and associated costs when you get to meet your child. There will also be costs involved in the country of origin and these may even be more substantial if you need to use an agency based overseas as an intermediary. When the information is received, if it requires translating then this will be your responsibility and you will have to meet any costs. You will also need to consider possible additional costs if you are required to adopt your child under Scottish law.