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The Independent Living Fund (ILF) Scotland

The Independent Living Fund Scotland (ILF Scotland) provides funding and support to help disabled people in Scotland and Northern Ireland live independently.

The organisation is funded by the Scottish Government and Department of Health in Northern Ireland.

ILF Scotland began operations in July 2015, taking over the functions of the old UK Independent Living Fund (ILF).

In Scotland, it currently delivers:

  • ILF Fund – providing discretionary payments to disabled people, allowing them to purchase care and support to live independently
  • Transition Fund – providing up to £4,000 to help young disabled people transition into adulthood, and become more engaged and active in their communities
  • Person Centred Planning Grant – helping young disabled people plan (ahead of an application to the Transition Fund)
  • Technology Grant – helping young disabled people to get online.

Re-Opening ILF

The First Minister announced as part of the 2023 Programme for Government that the Independent Living Fund would re-open to new applications in 2024-25, with an initial £9 million to enable up to 1,000 additional disabled people live more independently.

Further details on re-opening ILF will soon be added to the ILF Scotland website.

For more information on all ILF Scotland funding, please their website at