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Self-directed support (SDS)

Support providers

Self-directed support – support, care, trust, protect. Image shows elderly adults chatting on a bench, a person receiving occupational therapy/rehabilitation with an OT, person in wheelchair, home carer with elderly client, elderly person and young child

We work with a range of support providers who deliver various forms of care and support. When developing your support plan (following an assessment of need) you may wish to consider which provider(s) will be able to deliver the required outcomes.

We have a directory of support providers offering care and supported living services. We do not endorse any particular provider or organisation and this information is provided simply as a resource to help you make an informed decision.

For registered care services, the Care Inspectorate hosts full details of individual registrations, performance standards and contact details.

If you have a care provider in mind but they are not listed in the directory you should be aware that the we need to check that our providers are fit and proper and capable of delivering on the stated outcomes. To add your preferred provider we will have to carry out a range of checks which may impact on the final approval process.

There is an independent information and advice service, Take Control (South Lanarkshire), which can help guide you through the process of identifying a suitable support provider.