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Trauma Recovery Service (SW)

The Trauma Recovery Service provides confidential counselling to explore the client's difficulties. It could be that they feel they want help to sort through their thoughts, make changes in their life or understand their feelings.

Counselling will always be at the request of the client. Counsellors will not give advice or suggest a particular course of action - the client explores various aspects of their life and feelings and talks about them freely and openly in a way that is often not possible with friends or family.

In the counselling team we have two counsellors, two play therapists, one groupwork play therapist and a family worker.

Priority goes to children who:

  • have experienced physical, emotional or sexual abuse
  • have experienced sustained exposure to traumatic events
  • are looked after/accommodated

To contact the service please phone 0303 123 1008 and ask for the Trauma Recovery Service.

Some useful links and resources can be found at:

British Association for Behavioural and Cognitive Psychotherapies (BABCP)

British Association for Counselling and Psychotherapy (BACP)

British Association of Play (BAPT)

Cruse Bereavement Care

Kilbryde Hospice

People Experiencing Trauma and Loss (PETAL)


St Andrews Hospice