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Supported care

Preparation and assessment

If you would like to be assessed as a Supported Carer, a social worker from the team will arrange to visit you to discuss your interest in more detail and explain the process and tasks involved in supported caring. This will also give you an opportunity to ask any questions you may have.

You may be concerned that there are factors in your life which may preclude you from supported caring for example health issues or criminal convictions. We would encourage you to share these at this stage to explore whether this would have an effect on your application. Information will also be provided on support and training that you will receive. This will help you to consider whether you want to pursue your interest, having had information and time to explore this further with your family and/or partner.

There will be a further discussion with you about whether you wish to make a formal application for assessment. If you wish to proceed, a social worker will be allocated to undertake the assessment. We would aim to complete the assessment in 4 - 6 months.