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Are you a carer?

Useful contacts and resources

There is a wide range of resources available both locally and nationally for carers. Carers can access information by visiting the following websites of the listed organisations to find out about the range of supports and services available.

Many of these organisations will be able to offer carers information, advice, guidance, and signposting.

Please click on the buttons below for local and national organisations.

Lanarkshire Carers 01698 428090

A resource for carers across Lanarkshire to access information, advice, and a range of direct support services to support them in their caring roles.

Action For Children 01698 891385

Raise awareness, identify, and provide direct support to young carers.

Take Control (Self Directed Support Service) 01698 892372

A Self-Directed Support Service providing information and assistance to all eligible people to explore the 4 options of independent living.

Lanarkshire Links 01698 265232

Service user and carer involvement in mental health.

The Haven 01555 811846

Provides practical and emotional support to individuals, families, children, young people, and carers affected by life-limiting illnesses or bereavement.

Equal Say 01698 376777

Provides advocacy services to adults in South Lanarkshire.

Voluntary Action South Lanarkshire (VASLan) 01698 300390

VASLan provides an online locator for searching voluntary groups, communities and organisations.

Hamilton Citizens Advice Bureau 01698 283477

East Kilbride Citizens Advice Bureau 01355 263698

Clydesdale Citizens Advice Bureau 01555 664301

Rutherglen Citizens Advice Bureau 0141 646 3191

A local independent charity which provides free, impartial, and confidential advice and information.

NHS Lanarkshire 0300 3030 243

Contains information and advice on the health services in South Lanarkshire

REACH – Lanarkshire Autism 0141 641 0068

Provides emotional and practical support and guidance to individuals and families living with Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD).

Lanarkshire Dementia Resource Centre 01698 275300

The centre aims to support people with dementia, their families, relatives, and friends at any stage of the illness.

Minority Ethnic Carers Of People Project (MECOPP)

0131 467 2994 – Main Line

0131 467 2996 – Cantonese and Mandarin language line

0131 467 2997 – Urdu and Hindi language line

Works in partnership with carers, voluntary organisations, and statutory bodies to improve national outcomes for Black and Minority Ethnic Carers.

Shared Care Scotland 01383 622462

Aims to promote the quality and provision in short breaks in Scotland.

Coalition of Carers in Scotland  01786 850247

Works to promote the voice of carers in the development of services, policy, and legislation.

Carers Scotland 0141 378 1065

Provides information and advice on caring, helping carers connect with each other, campaign with carers for lasting change, and use innovation to improve services.

Carers Trust 0300 7727701

Works to transform the life of carers, influencing policy, undertaking research, and providing specialist resources for professionals.

Scottish Young Carers Service Alliance Network

NHS Inform 0800 22 44 88

Scotland’s national health information service.

A Local Information System for Scotland (ALISS)

ALISS is a national digital programme enabling people and professionals to find and share information on health and wellbeing resources, services, groups and support in their local area.

Housing Care

A UK wide directory of retirement housing and home services, such as meals delivery, home help and DIY.

Care Inspectorate 0345 600 9527

Inspects care services and how care is provided across areas, with a directory of care services in Scotland.

Care Choices

A UK directory to help you find care solutions, such as care homes, care at home and other related services.

Macmillan Cancer Support 0808 808 00 00

Macmillan is a charity that supports people living with cancer, and the in the UK.

Age Scotland | The Scottish Charity for Older People

Provides a free helpline, supports older peoples groups, and delivers health and wellbeing programmes to people over the age of 50.