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Are you a carer?

Our strategy for carers

We recognise the role of unpaid carers and their pivotal position as Equal Partners in Care.

Carers, the people they care for and professionals all work together as partners in care to achieve better outcomes for all involved. Carers have the right to play an equal and active role in care planning and decision-making. This does not mean that all carers are the same or that caring is shared equally. Every carer has a unique role, but have the same right to the support and information they need and to be as involved as they choose to be. Equality is about having rights and choices.

Carers should be involved, consulted, listened to, and heard by key agencies across South Lanarkshire. The South Lanarkshire Carers Partnership Group has wide representation from all those who work to deliver support and services to and with unpaid carers. The Carer Representative on the Integrated Joint Board also plays a key role in the Carers Partnership. This role includes representing and championing carers involvement as equal partners and contributing to good governance ensuring integration authorities implement their statutory obligations.

Our Carers Strategy 2023 – 2026 sets out our approach to support unpaid carers in more detail and identifies our priorities from what carers have told us is important to them:

Priority 1: Carers are identified, involved, and valued.

Priority 2: Carers have choice and control, allowing them to balance their own life with their caring role.

Priority 3: Carers can access the right support and services at the right time.

Priority 4: Carers have a positive experience of being a carer.

Short Break Services Statement

A Short Break Services Statement is information about what short breaks services are available locally and nationally to give carers a break from their caring role.

Our Short Breaks Services Statement has been informed by what carers have told us during consultation on the Carers Strategy 2023 - 2026, through other developments, consultation activity and profiling information. This statement will also continue to be reviewed on an ongoing basis with further engagement taking place when required.