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Sensory support

Support available

Further support can be offered by the following organisations.

Local support

Audiology support can be offered through NHS Lanarkshire for a range of services for all ages

Lanarkshire Carers works with and for carers to develop and deliver services that make a positive difference in their lives.

Lanarkshire Eye-health Network Scheme (LENS) - Optometrists who are part of the LENS can offer an appointment and assessment service for any concerns you may have with the health of your eyes or eye. Details of participating optometric practices are available on the website.

Low Vision Service - Low vision means not being able to see as well as most other people, even when you’re wearing glasses or contact lenses.  Low vision services are provided by specialists who will help you to make the most of your sight which can help maintain your independence.  An assessment will be complete with you which will include discussing tasks and activities you may find difficult.  Support can be offered which may include emotional or practical support.  A Certificate of Vision Impairment (CVI) (Scotland) form may also be complete to certify you as sight impaired or severely sight impaired.

Local community-based services and specialist groups for people with sensory impairment can be explored using the “Advanced search” feature on the VASLAN locator tool in order to find the right service. 

Scotland wide support

Deaf Action is a deaf-led charity that supports and celebrates deaf people, empowering all deaf people to achieve their potential and fully participate in society, with equality of rights, access and opportunity.  The services offered are designed to make life easier and more fulfilling for deaf and hard of hearing people. 

Deafblind Scotland serve the Deafblind community, sustaining deafblind people’s personal and professional support networks and influencing statutory services and policy.  The work we do raises the awareness of deafblindness, continually highlighting the everyday challenges faced by deafblind people which makes a difference to and for our citizens and their communities across Scotland.

Guide Dogs Scotland have developed a wide range of services with and without dogs to support people living with a visual impairment supporting children, adults, family and friends to help people live actively, independently and well.  In addition to supports offered, dedicated specialist are available to help children and young people overcome the challenges of sight loss.

Royal National Institute of Blind People (RNIB) is the UK's leading sight loss charity offering practical and emotional support to blind and partially sight people, their families and carers.  RNIB raise awareness of the experiences of blind and partially sighted people and campaign for change to make society more accessible for all.  

Sense Scotland are a Scottish charity and specialised social care provider supporting people with communication support needs associated with complex and sensory disabilities, and their families, where individual needs and choices come first. 

Sight Scotland are one of Scotland’s oldest charities and have been dedicated to meeting the challenges of visual impairment for over two centuries.  A diverse charity with an expanding range of services, delivered by experienced and knowledgeable experts. 

Sight Scotland Veterans helping to support blind and partially sighted veterans regain their independence and confidence by supporting them with a range of tailored services, expertise and knowledge. 

The Alliance Scottish Sensory Hub provides a platform for the voice of anyone in Scotland with lived experience of deafness, deafblindness or visual impairment. 

Macular disease is the biggest cause of sight loss in the UK, with 300 people diagnosed every day. The Macular Society in Scotland provides advice, information and support to those with macular disease, along with their family and friends to ensure people can keep their independence.

Visibility Scotland is a national charity helping to support anyone, of any age, living with visual impairment across Scotland with the aim to help people with sight loss to live independent and fulfilling lives.

UK wide support

BDA | British Deaf Association (Deaf Equality, Access and Freedom of Choice) – the BDA is a national Deaf-led organisation that works directly with Deaf people that use British Sign Language (BSL).  Work concentrates on campaigning for equal rights on a national level and at a local level empowering Deaf people to achieve access to their local public services.  This is carried out through projects delivering individual and community advocacy.  We also work to ensure BSL is included by public bodies by delivering commitment through signing the BSL Charter. 

Deafblind UK helps people who are deafblind to live with their condition and to build their confidence and independence by offering comfort, understanding, advice including practical support, residential support, care and social opportunities. 

As Diabetes is the leading cause of preventable sight loss in Britain, Diabetes UK was set up to support everyone affected by diabetes. Their website offers information and guidance on understanding the risks of developing eye problems and how to prevent or treat them and managing eye problems to stop them getting worse. 

Glaucoma UK provides help, information and support to anyone affected by glaucoma.

Hearing Dogs for Deaf People  are a charity that provides a wide range of personalised hearing support services and trains highly skilled dogs for three different but equally important roles – Hearing Dogs, Sound Support Dogs and Companion Dogs.  The dogs can help people with any level of hearing loss.

Hearing Link Services are part of Hearing Dogs for Deaf People.  At Hearing Link Services, we understand that hearing loss affects far more than just a person’s ears.  The consequences can impact on every part of life including relationships, status at work, confidence and self-esteem.

NADP |  National Association of Deafened People are a UK Disable People Organisation (DPO).  The main objective of NADP is to increase awareness of the specific needs and requirements of deafened people, to ensure they have full access to communication, information, employment and services. 

National Deaf Children's Society (NDCS) is a leading charity for deaf children, working to overcome the social and educational barriers that hold deaf children and young people back. 

Retina UK support people affected by inherited sight loss and invest in medical research to ensure that they can their challenges a thing of the past.  Retina UK can offer practical information or emotional support, online, by phone or face-to-face.

RNID represents the 945,000 people who are deaf or hard of hearing in Scotland. Their staff and volunteers offer a wide range of services, including communication, information and employment services.  

See Ability specialise in supporting people who have learning disabilities or autism, who may also have sight loss by supporting people to live ambitious lives and achieve things they never thought possible. 

The Deaf Health Charity SignHealth is a psychological therapy service for deaf people. We are a passionate and caring Deaf-led team working towards a future where there are no barriers to good health and wellbeing for Deaf people.  We are one of the UK’s largest employers of Dear people, and most hearing staff are fluent sign language users. 

The Partially Sighted Society are a national charity set up to help anybody living with sight loss.  Specialist services focus on helping you to make the best use of your remaining vision.

BSL Interpreting Services

Contact Scotland- BSL provide video relay service (VRS) for all, allowing Scottish callers to contact any service through BSL relay interpreters to services including public, third and private sectors within the whole of Scotland, excluding international  calls.