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Sensory support

See Hear: Scottish Sensory Impairment Strategy

See Hear is the name of the last Scottish, 10-year strategic framework for those affected by issues relating to hearing and sight loss, supporting both children and adults promoting a seamless multi-agency approach to assessment, care and support. The Scottish Government has worked with partners including local authorities, health boards and the third sector to develop a Scottish Sensory Support Strategy.

People that experience sensory needs includes both those born with and those who later acquire recognised conditions. This can present as hearing or sight loss and loss of both senses. It includes those who may be at risk of sensory loss as well as those currently living with hidden and untreated conditions, which may be present in people with learning disabilities or conditions such as dementia or stroke.

It is estimated that 1 in 6 of the population of Scotland has a hearing loss, 1 in 30 of the population of Scotland has a significant sight loss and that an estimated 5,000 people in Scotland have dual sensory loss. Many people find that their hearing and /or sight can be affected as part of the aging process and, with an ageing population, the expectation is that the number of people who do go on to experience some effect to their sight or hearing at some time in their lives will increase. People who experience sensory loss may also have other conditions for which they receive medical care. (Information extracted from See Hear: A Framework for meeting the needs of people with a sensory impairment in Scotland).

South Lanarkshire Council, the other public services and our national and local third sector partners, continue to focus on providing generic and targeted services to people and carers affected by sensory loss. With a commitment to promote equality to access to essential information, both mainstream and specialist communication and mobility support services are available to enable independent living and optimal life choices.

See support available and additional information in related content.