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Sensory support

Visual impairment registration

Important - If you have an eye problem, you must contact a community optometry practice (optician) as your first port of call. If the optometry practice is closed and you’re concerned about your vision, phone NHS 24 free on 111.

Registration process

Your GP or Optician can refer onto ophthalmology for registration purposes.

Ophthalmology will then carry out an eye examination, if eligible you will be classified as sight impaired or severely sight impaired. You will have the choice to be added to the register.

If you agree to registration a certificate of vision impairment (CVI) is forwarded to South Lanarkshire Sensory Support Team which generates a referral for specialist assessment.

The visual impairment registration process ensures a specialist assessment and provides access to certain benefits and entitlements.

Sight registration is not compulsory. Even if you choose not to be registered you may request an assessment if you are a South Lanarkshire resident and are experiencing sight loss.

Benefits of registration

Sight impaired

  • Scottish National Blind Persons Scheme: provides you with free bus, rail, underground and ferry travel throughout Scotland. This is a voluntary arrangement between local authorities, the Convention of Scottish Local Authorities (COSLA) and participating transport operators.
  • British wireless for the blind fund – Dependent on a means tested benefit you may be eligible for audio equipment on a free loan basis.
  • CEA cinema card - You’re eligible for companion pass to access the latest cinema releases.

Severely sight impaired (additional benefits)

  • Scottish National Blind Persons Scheme: The Scottish National Blind Persons Scheme provides you with free companion bus, rail, underground and ferry travel throughout Scotland. This is a voluntary arrangement between local authorities, the Convention of Scottish Local Authorities (COSLA) and participating transport operators.
  • Disabled Persons Railcard: You're eligible for a Disabled Persons Railcard that provides at least one third discount on rail travel.
  • TV Licence discount: You're eligible for a 50% reduction in the cost of your TV Licence. 
  • Blue Badge: You’re eligible for Blue Badge scheme if you're aged 16 or over.
  • Tax Allowance: change to tax code.

Specialist assessment

Once registered, a member of the Sensory Support Service will contact you to offer specialist assessment, and work with you to identify your needs and plan supports which may include:

  • Independent living skills – advise or provide specialist equipment
  • Mobility and independent travel training – orientation, route planning and cane provision
  • Communication – advice regarding specialist equipment
  • Support you in using new technology
  • Refer onto other agencies
  • Refer onto local groups/activities
  • Signpost to other services