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Do I need planning permission?

Roof alterations and enlargement

You may need planning permissions to carry out roof alterations to your house or flat. Roof alterations include the formation of dormer windows, velux windows, loft conversion and re-roofing. Different rules apply depending on which of these works you want to carry out.

Dormer windows

If you want to enlarge your roof by building a dormer window, you will need planning permission if your proposal falls into any of these categories:

  • your property is a flat or is within a tenement or a four-in-a-block
  • your house is within a conservation area. (To check the conservation areas within South Lanarkshire please see our conservation areas page).
  • the dormer will be on a roof slope forming part of the principal elevation or side elevation where that elevation faces onto a road
  • the dormer will be on a roof slope and be within 10 metres of the boundary of the curtilage of the house which that roof slope faces onto
  • the dormer will be higher than the existing height of the house, excluding the chimney
  • the dormer will take up more than half the width of the roof
  • the dormer will be within 0.3 metres of any edge of the roof slope of the house
  • the alteration will be a balcony, a wind turbine, a raised platform or terrace.

If your proposed development doesn't come into any of the above categories then you do not need to apply for planning permission.

Loft conversions

If you want to convert your loft or attic to provide additional rooms or storage space, you do not require planning permission for any internal alterations (regardless of whether you live in a house or a flat). If your conversion also involves building a dormer window, then you must check with the rules above to see if you need planning permission for the dormer. If it involves a roof window, you must check the rules below.

Roof windows

If you want to add a roof window to your dwelling (regardless of whether it is a house or a flat), then you do not need planning permission if the window does not project more than one metre from the roof.  You will need planning permission if you live in a conservation area and listed building consent if you live in a listed building.

Replacing roofing material

You will not normally have to apply for planning permission to re-roof your house provided that the replacement roof material is of the same colour, shape and material as the original. If you live in a listed building or conservation area, you should always contact our Planning and Building Standards office as permission to re-roof your property will usually be needed.

Still not sure...

If you think you will need to apply for planning permission for any of the above please contact the appropriate area Planning and Building Standards office.

See also: Definitions - curtilage, principal elevation and road.