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High hedges

High hedge disputes

If you have an issue with a neighbour over a high hedge that you haven’t been able to resolve amicably, you can apply to us for a high hedge notice.

This is to help solve problems caused by hedges that grow higher than two metres and block out light.

How to apply

You can get a high hedges application form from the ePlanning Scotland web site.

How much will it cost?

It costs £401 to make a high hedges notice application to us.

What we will do

We will tell you within five working days if your application is within the scope of the High Hedges (Scotland) Act 2013. If, after carrying out a site visit, we determine that the hedge is not a ‘high hedge’ under the terms of the legislation, we will return your fee to you and will not process the application.

We will allow at least 28 days for the owner of the hedge to comment on your application.

We will advise you of our decision after we have visited the site, considered any comments made to us and assessed the impact of the high hedge on your property.

Our role

Our role is as an independent and impartial decision-maker. We consider the positions of both the applicant and the hedge owner before we make a decision on a high hedges application.

Decisions on what action should be taken are for us to make, taking account of the facts and circumstances of each individual case.

We must decide whether a high hedge is adversely affecting the applicant’s property. If it does, we will decide whether to serve a notice on the hedge owner which requires them to carry out works to reduce the adverse effects of the hedge.

What if I'm not happy with the decision?

You have the right to appeal to Scottish Government ministers through the Directorate of Planning and Environmental Appeals if you’re not happy with our decision.

More information

For more details see the High Hedges Act guidance notes. This covers:

  • before you send us an application form
  • what we will do with it
  • how we make a decision on an application
  • the decisions we can make
  • withdrawal or changes to a high hedge notice
  • your right of appeal

Legal information

The High Hedges (Scotland) Act 2013 came into effect on 1 April 2014. Our responsibilities under the Act are in the High Hedges (Scotland) Act 2013 - Guidance to local authorities.