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Building warrants, forms and regulations

Building regulations

Building regulations apply to:

  • the construction of new buildings
  • alterations and extensions to existing buildings
  • the conversion of a building (from a house to a hotel, for example)

They set the minimum standards necessary for the health, safety, welfare and convenience of people in and around buildings, as well as conserving fuel and power.

Technical standards

Building regulations are supported by a range of technical standards, which list ways of complying.

The technical standards cover many aspects of building design including:

  • fitness of materials and structural stability
  • structural fire precautions, means of escape from fire, fire fighting facilities and combustion appliance installations
  • prevention of dampness and condensation, sound insulation, energy conservation, ventilation, drainage, electrical and miscellaneous hazards
  • access and facilities for dwellings
  • storage of waste, access to and movement within buildings

There are technical handbooks that cover the standards for structures, fire, environment, safety, noise and energy. These are for both domestic and non-domestic buildings.

Copies of the current technical standards can be viewed on the Building Standards Division pages of the Scottish Government website.

For more information contact Planning and Building Standards Headquarters.