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Building Standards system

The main purpose of the Building Standards system is to ensure that work carried out on both new and existing buildings meets reasonable standards. These standards are set out in the building regulations and are intended to:

  • secure the health, safety, welfare and convenience of persons in or about buildings and of others who may be affected by buildings or matters connected with buildings
  • further the conservation of fuel and power and achievement of sustainable development.

Building regulations apply to:

  • the construction of new buildings
  • alterations and extensions to existing buildings
  • the conversion of a building (from a house to a hotel) 

The regulations are supported by a range of technical standards which cover many aspects of building design including:

  • fitness of materials and structural stability
  • structural fire precautions, escape routes, fire fighting facilities and combustion appliance installations
  • prevention of dampness and condensation, sound insulation, energy conservation, ventilation, drainage, electrical and other hazards
  • access and facilities for dwellings
  • storage of waste, access to and movement within buildings

We also undertake assessment and approval of building warrant applications, inspection of work on site and consideration of completion certificate submissions when work is complete. We also carry out a range of enforcement activities relating to unauthorised works and defective and dangerous buildings.

We provide additional services to support an applicant through the building warrant process including pre-application discussions, processing agreements and consideration of alternative design solutions.