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Listed building consent

You'll need listed building consent for any alterations inside or out that in our opinion will affect the building's special character. It is a criminal offence to carry out work to a listed building without getting consent.

How to apply

Online: ePlanning Scotland - this lets you pay online too.

On paper using:

How much will it cost?

There is no charge for making a listed building application. However, make sure that the drawings you send us are good and clearly show in detail all the changes that are proposed.

What we will do

We consult with Historic Environment Scotland on all listed building applications for category A or B listed buildings and for all demolition of all of them. Historic Environment Scotland is also consulted on planning applications which affect the setting of category A listed buildings and on applications for the demolition of unlisted buildings in conservation areas.

Repairs to listed buildings

Repairs must be carried out using the same materials and techniques as those that were used originally. You don't need listed building consent for these like-for-like repairs. We can give you advice on suitable repairs or alterations.

For more information contact our Planning and Building standards office.

Related content

  1. Listed building consent
  2. What does listing mean?
  3. Categories of listed building