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Window cleaner's licence

Conditions of licence

  1. As the licence holder, you must, when window cleaning, wear or display the ID badge we issued you in line with your licence.  We will issue the ID badge once you pay a deposit to the local office.  You must show your ID badge if asked to by any police officer, environmental health officer or other person authorised by the licensing authority.
  2. You must have the following insurance cover in place.
  1. If you are self-employed and do not employ any other person as a window cleaner, you should have third-party indemnity cover of up to £500,000
  2. If you employ other window cleaners, you must have third-party indemnity cover of up to £500,000 and employer’s liability insurance of up to the same amount.  To renew your cover, you must take the policy and the receipt for paying the premium to the local office.
  1. You must not allow anyone else to use your licence or identity badge.
  1. You must not change or damage your licence or badge in any way.  You should also make sure that the lettering on your licence and badge can easily be read.
  1. You must keep to any order or instructions any authorised officer has given you:
  • to prevent accidents or avoid creating obstacles or annoying the public;
  • in connection with any emergency or disturbance;  or
  • at any time when the authorised officer considers it in the public interest to give the order or instruction.  An authorised officer means any authorised officer, including community resources officers, enterprise resources officers, health and safety executive inspectors, police officers, enforcement officers or any other appropriate council official.
  1. You must not employ or appoint any person to work as a window cleaner in any part of South Lanarkshire if that person does not hold a current window cleaner's licence.
  2. You must keep to the conditions of the Health and Safety etc at Work Act 1974 and all relevant regulation orders and codes of practice issued by the Health and Safety Executive. You should particularly take account of guidance notes GS25 (Prevention of Falls to Window Cleaners) issued by the Health and Safety Executive.
  3. We may suspend your licence if we believe:
  1. you are no longer fit to hold the licence because you have been convicted of an offence or since we issued or renewed the licence or for any other reason; and
  2. by carrying out the activity, you are causing unnecessary nuisance or risk to the public.
  1. While working as a window cleaner, you must have a clean and tidy appearance and behave in the correct way.
  2. If there is a change in your circumstances which affects the information you gave us on your application form for a licence, you must let your local office know about the change as soon as possible after it has taken place, in line with paragraph 9(1) of schedule 1 to the Civic Government (Scotland) Act 1982. This includes changes to your name, address and employment status (that is, if you are self-employed, an employer or an employee), your insurance cover and any changes of directors, partners or the day-to-day manager of the business (if you work for a company or firm) or their names and addresses.
  3. You must tell your local office straight away if you are convicted of any crime or offence by any court.
  4. If you lose your licence or any other document we have issued you (including your identity badge), you must let your local office know straight away and get a replacement of each document you have lost.  You will need to pay the fee and, if necessary, give us the appropriate passport-style photographs.
  5. If you stop working as a window cleaner, or we suspend you, you must take your licence and ID badge to your local office within seven days, in line with paragraph 13(2) of schedule 1 to the Civic Government (Scotland) Act 1982.

Related content

  1. Window cleaners licence
  2. Window cleaner's licence guidance
  3. Conditions of licence