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Taxi/private hire car operator's licence

All vehicles operating as a taxi or private hire car need to be licensed and comply with the standards for taxis and private hire cars.

How to apply

How the application is dealt with

There is a 28 day objection period. A copy of your application is sent to Police Scotland for any comments or objections.

If you haven't received an acknowledgement for us within 28 days please contact Licensing and Registration Services and we will let you know about your application's progress. 

You must bring proof of identification when you collect your documents. 

If someone else is collecting them for you, they must bring photographic proof of their identification and something in writing from you stating that you give your permission. This must be signed by you and give the details of the person who is collecting your documents. The signature on the letter will be compared with the signature on the application form. We will not accept an email.

 How much does it cost? 

  • taxi - £466.40
  • taxi transfer - £466.40
  • private hire car - £457.92
  • private hire car transfer - £457.92
  • substitute vehicle - £55.12
  • replacement door stickers - £15.90
  • replacement plates - £29.68

It is a condition of your licence that the plates and identification stickers issued for your vehicle are properly displayed. Failure to display these could result in a suspension of your licence. To view where these go please go to our Taxi and Private Hire Car signage gallery page.