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Short-term lets in Scotland – Licensing Scheme

Application checklist

A checklist forms part of the application. This check list must be fully completed in order to submit your application.

You will have to provide the following:-

  • Completed application form
  • Correct application fee
  • Completed fire risk assessment
  • Annual gas certificate (for premises with a gas supply
  • Electrical installation condition report
  • Portable appliance testing report
  • Legionella risk assessment
  • Copy of planning permission or certificate of lawfulness (if required)
  • Floor plan
  • EPC certificate (for premises which are dwellinghouses)
  • Buildings insurance
  • Public liability insurance
  • Proof of consent from owner (if applicable)
  • Evidence of operation as a short-term let on or before 1 October 2023 (for existing hosts applying during transitional period)

You will have to confirm or enter N/A that you have:-

  • Identified the owners and those involved in the day-to-day management of your premises
  • Ensured that to the best of your knowledge all those named on your application are fit and proper persons
  • Prepared information that will be available to guests at the premises including: 
  1. a certified copy of the licence and the licence conditions
  2. fire, gas and electrical safety information
  3. details of how to summon the assistance of emergency services
  4. a copy of the gas safety report
  5. a copy of the Electrical Installation Condition Report, and
  6. copy of the Portable Appliance Testing Report
  • Applied for planning permission (if required)
  • Noted the requirement to display your licence number and EPC rating on listings for my premises
  • Checked if any additional licence conditions apply to you / your premises
  • Proof that furniture and furnishings/the furniture and furnishings guests have access to comply with fire safety regulations
  • Read and understood the mandatory conditions that will apply to my licence

You will have to confirm that your premises:-

  • Meets current statutory guidance for provision of fire, smoke and heat detection
  • Meets statutory guidance for carbon monoxide alarms
  • Meets the required regulations for private water supplies (for premises with a private water supply i.e not provided by Scottish Water)
  • Meets obligations with regard to the Tolerable and Repairing standard (applicable to dwellinghouses)