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Taxi/private hire car driver's licence

Access for wheelchair users to taxis and private hire cars

We have a Register of vehicles designated as wheelchair accessible taxis and private hire cars in terms of Section 167 of the Equality Act 2010.

This means that a range of duties are placed on drivers of wheelchair accessible taxis and private hire cars.

The duties placed on drivers are:

  • to carry the passenger while in the wheelchair
  • not to make an additional charge for doing so
  • if the passenger chooses to sit in a passenger seat, to carry the wheelchair
  • to take such steps as are necessary to ensure the passenger is carried in safety and reasonable comfort and
  • to give the passenger such mobility assistance as is reasonably require

Mobility assistance is defined as:

  • assistance to enable the passenger to get into or out of the vehicle
  • if the passenger wishes to remain in the wheelchair, to enable the passenger to get into or out of the vehicle
  • to load passenger’s luggage into or out of the vehicle
  • if the passenger does not wish to remain in the wheelchair, to load the wheelchair into or out of the vehicle

Wheelchair accessible taxis and private hire cars register


There is a facility for any driver of such a vehicle to apply for an exemption. If the driver does not have an exemption and fails to comply with the above duties that person would be guilty of an offence.

A driver may have a medical condition or a disability which makes it impossible or unreasonably difficult for them to provide the sort of physical assistance which these duties require. In such circumstances drivers may be granted an exemption from these duties.

If you wish to apply for an exemption certificate you should submit a letter from your Doctor along with the completed application form for exemption which is available on request by emailing or phoning 0303 123 1015 or by writing to: Licensing and Registration Services, Council Offices, Almada Street, Hamilton ML3 0AA.

You may be referred to the Council’s Occupational Health Consultants prior to any decision being made.