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Taxi/private hire car driver's licence

Once you have your licence

Vehicle tests

Our fleet services carry out random tests on all taxi and private hire vehicles which are over five years old from the date of registration. These should happen around six months after the annual test of compliance.  Please see the taxi testing page.

Vehicles must be less than five years old when first registered. If your car is not a purpose-built taxi it must be renewed after 10 years. Hackney-style cars have not time restrictions as long as they pass their annual and six-month tests.

You will be sent a reminder to arrange a time and date for your first inspection.

We also carry out random tests on all taxi and private hire vehicles which are over five years old from the date of registration. These should happen around six months after the annual test of compliance.

If you can't make that date or time you are given for your random test you should contact the licensing office at Fleet Services, Blantyre to rearrange. If you fail to take your vehicle to future random tests you may have your licence suspended.

If your vehicle passes its annual test you will be given a certificate of compliance for the following year.

Conditions of your licence

All of the conditions will be on the paper copy of your licence. If you need a copy of your current licence you should contact  the licensing office at Fleet Services, Blantyre