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Review of taxi fares

Clydesdale zone

Notice is given that South Lanarkshire Council as Licensing Authority in respect of the licensing of taxis for the Clydesdale zone of South Lanarkshire have, in terms of Section 17 of the Civic Government (Scotland) Act 1982 (as amended), approved a review of the current fares tariff for taxis and have agreed not to alter the scales and charges chargeable by taxi drivers in the Clydesdale zone as follows:-

Hire of Taxi/Private Hire Car (fitted with a taxi meter) -
  • Not exceeding one mile £3.50 
  • For each additional 88 yards or any part thereof 13 pence - (An average 2 mile hire of £6.10) 

A copy of the reviewed fares tariff for the Clydesdale zone is available, without payment of fee, on request by email or phone 01698 717728.

The reviewed fares tariff comes into operation on 27 September 2024.

Iain Strachan
Head of Administration and Legal Services
South Lanarkshire Council
Floor 11
Council Headquarters
Almada Street